Best Books You've Read In 2017 So Far

I'm taking part in Top Ten Tuesday again this week, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! Today's prompt is "Best Books You've Read In 2017 So Far," and to be fair, I have not read that many books this year yet, but I thought I'd share the ones that I loved. If you read my post from last week, I talked about how I have just gotten back into reading after my semester ended, so I haven't read a ton of books this year. I've read 20 books so far since the end of May, which I think is pretty good! I have one series and three books that I have loved this year, so let's just get into it!

#1: Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

Everyone, please read this book! This was definitely my favorite read of this year, and I think everyone needs to give it a try. Don't be intimidated by the size (it is a pretty large book). Also, if you have started reading it and found it slow, keep going!! To be honest, I thought it was pretty slow at first and I was afraid I wasn't getting into it, but I kept going, and all of a sudden, I couldn't stop. Seriously, it gets that good. The writing is stunning and the world is so unique; I loved it. I just can't recommend Strange the Dreamer enough! 

#2: The Infernal Devices by Cassandra Clare

I never finished reading Cassandra Clare's books, and I thought now would be a good time to do it. I was blown away by The Infernal Devices. I loved them so much more than The Mortal Instruments. I connected with the characters more, and I just fell in love with them. I just want to reread this series over and over, but I know I need to catch up on other books. The struggle. Did anyone else like The Infernal Devices more than The Mortal Instruments, or is that just me? 

#3: A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas

I read the first book in the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, and I ended up really enjoying it. I need to finish this series as soon as I complete Cassandra Clare's books, because I need to find out what happens in this world! Everyone always talks about Feyre and Rhysand, and right now, it's Feyre and Tamlin, so something must obviously happen. Curse me for being so behind in reading! I won't be surprised by anything now!! ...Or will I?

#4: The Wrath & The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh

The Wrath and the Dawn was beautifully written, full of intense visuals and descriptions that grasped at your senses. I was completely captivated by the story and the characters, and the end left me wanting more and more. (And, those food descriptions left me very hungry.) Unfortunately, I was not blown away by the sequel, The Rose and the Dagger. It just didn't intrigue me as much as The Wrath and the Dawn, and I'm not really sure why. 


So, those were my favorite books that I've read this year. I don't think that's too bad for just getting back into reading last month! We'll see by the end of the year if these books land on my favorite books for the whole year! 

Let's chat in the comments! 

If you read these books, did you enjoy them?


Book enthusiast and avid reader of all things.


  1. I keep meaning to read Strange the Dreamer, but I'm a bum and keep forgetting.

    1. It's amazing!! Such beautiful writing, I loved it :)

  2. I've heard really good things about The Wrath and the Dawn, but haven't read it yet. Perhaps I will someday... *adds to large TBR* :)

    1. I feel you!! There's too many books that need to be read! I got through it pretty quickly though because the writing was just so good and descriptive :)

  3. I MUCH prefer TID series to TMI. I thought Infernal Devices was so addicting and the characters were so much more real and multifaceted than in the TMI series. I remember crying in public when I finished the epilogue of Clockwork Princess!
    Mallory @ The Local Muse

    1. YES!!! My thoughts exactly! I thought the characters were more realistic and less dramatic than in TMI. And that epilogue made me so emotional (still crying). :)

  4. I keep meaning to read The Wrath and The Dawn! Glad to see that you've enjoyed it. :-)

    1. I thought the story was very intriguing and the writing was so descriptive and well done that I couldn't stop reading it! I hope you get to it soon :)

  5. I really liked The Infernal Devices series as well, and while I loved The Mortal Instruments I was slightly rattled by how long the series was!

    1. I know! 6 books is very intimidating... I'm reading City of Heavenly Fire right now, so I'm almost done, but it's sooo long :/

  6. Looks like you've read some spectacular books so far this year!!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  7. Strange the Dreamer made my list too! I loved A Court of Thorns and Roses, I just need to read the rest of the series!

    1. Strange the Dreamer is amazing!! I need to read the rest of the series as well, I'm hoping to get to it next :)

  8. Strange the Dreamer made my list too, can't wait for the follow-up!

    1. Me too! I'm very interested to see how the story will progress, knowing what we do now... :)

  9. I've also heard very good things about both Strange the Dreamer and The Wrath and the Dawn. Your post makes me think I should read them. :)

    Here is our TTT.

    1. Yes, definitely!! I suggest that everyone get to reading Strange the Dreamer ASAP!! I enjoyed The Wrath and the Dawn as well, but I just wish I liked the sequel more :/

  10. I actually wasn't the biggest fan of ACOTAR, I much preferred the second book in the series ACOMAF, which made my list this week!
    My TTT:

    1. I've heard people say that a lot! I'm hoping to read ACOMAF next, and see what I think!

  11. The Wrath and the Dawn has been on my to-read list for a while now. I actually borrowed it from the library a couple of months ago, but never got around to reading it. I'll have to give it another try. I read Clockwork Angel back when it was released, and wasn't too enthralled with it; however, you've encouraged me to give the second book a try someday! Great list.

    1. Definitely give them another try!! I enjoyed both, The Infernal Devices especially :)

  12. AHHHH so much love for Cassandra Clare!! I've been obsessed with her Dark Artifices series this year. <3 And I absolutely adored Strange the Dreamer. Like the level of imagination and gorgeous writing was just phenomenal?!? BUT I NEED A SEQUEL BECAUSE THAT CLIFFHANGER HURT ME. 😭😂 I also love The Wrath and the Dawn but haven't read the sequel yet hehe.

    1. I am about to start the Dark Artifices series, and I'm so excited!! Strange the Dreamer was absolutely fantastic and you are so right about the sequel, I literally need it right now. I loved The Wrath and the Dawn, but I wasn't as impressed with The Rose and the Dagger for some reason, I don't know why :'(

  13. I really enjoyed The Wrath and the Dawn when I read it. I have ACOTAR is one I still need to get to. Great list :)

    1. Thank you! I really liked ACOTAR, and I'm hoping to read the rest of the series soon. I've heard so much hype about them, so I want to see for myself!!

  14. Love it Kristen! I want Streange the Dream so bad because it's so pretty! And I need to get working on the Shadowhunters books... I haven't read one of them even though they are all gracing my bookshelves looking pretty ;) Thank you for stopping by Reading List earlier.

    Reading List

    1. Strange the Dreamer is beautiful!! Both the cover and the writing :) I haven't finished the Shadowhunter books, but so far my favorites have been The Infernal Devices! You should definitely check them out; I love them!!

  15. I loved The Infernal Devices much more than The Mortal Instruments too! It's definitely not just you. I actually read TID first, not knowing it was a spinoff, but TMI could never compare. I didn't even know I could enjoy historical fiction but the series proved me so wrong!
    I really want to read Strange the Dreamer and The Wrath and the Dawn, although I'm not sure ACOTAR is my thing and I've read mixed reviews. I might give it a try, though, becuase I do like what I've read of the Throne of Glass books apart from the problematic bits.
    Great list!

    1. YAY!! I just love everything about The Infernal Devices, but I have some problems with The Mortal Instruments. I have heard mixed reviews about the ACOTAR series as well, so I'm interested in finding out what I think of them when I read the last two books. You should definitely read Strange the Dreamer and The Wrath and the Dawn; I thought they were fantastic! Thanks for stopping by :)
